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The 'Be Dynamic' Program 

After completing over 12 658 one-on-one sessions with Korean Business Executives, Managers and aspiring leaders, we know what we're doing.

We offer: 

  1. Trained Coaches who have more than 10 years in business and/or teaching English as a Foreign Language (TESOL/ TEFL certified). 

  2. Customized materials that suit your interests and your industry. 

  3. Feedback while you speak to help you refine, rephrase and speak more naturally. 

  4.  Written Feedback to help you revise and practice.

  5. Quarterly goal setting, customized plans to achieve those goals with your consultant.

  6. Essential Words and Phrases which you need to communicate clearly.

  7. Group Sessions to gain confidence faster.


How it works

  1. Contact us to talk about how we can help you achieve your goals.  

  2. You sign up for a batch of sessions and meet your Coach one or two times per week. 

  3. Monitor your improvement and feel your success


Our Business English Coaches will help you:

  • Improve your confidence;

  • Master the vocabulary and phrases you need to impress your colleagues; and 

  • Learn business skills to help you lead a team and be more effective in your role. 


Got any Questions? 

If you have any questions, book an enquiry meeting to talk about our Program. We'd love to answer any questions and tell you more about how the Program works. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I choose my Coach? 

A: Yes. If the Coach has times that match your availability, we will pair you.  


Q: Can I change my Coach if I want to work with someone else?  

A: Yes. We enourage our clients to challenge themselves. While many clients prefer to work with 1 dedicated Coach who really gets to know their strengths and weaknesses well, others like to be challenged by meeting new people. We adapt to fit your needs. 


Q: How do you choose Coaches? 

A: We choose Native English speakers, with clear accents (US, UK) , who have more than 10 years of corporate and/or teaching experience. We confirm their qualifications and train them to teach Business English in a way that truly gets results.

All Coaches must have a TEFL/TESOL qualification and they must meet minimum internet connectivity speeds. Most importantly, they must be passionate about helping clients reach their goals.


Q: When can I start?  

A: Space is limited. It takes time and resources to properly train our consultants which is why our program is so different to others. You will need to apply for our program and we will confirm availability. 


Q: Do I need to write an entrance test? 

A: No. We evaluate your abilities based on how you speak. 


Q: If I don't want to continue with the program, can I get a refund? 

A: We take coaching very seriously and this includes holding you accountable to achieve your goals. So, while we don't offer refunds, we do offer a longer time for you to use the training and achieve your goals. 


Q: Why is your business called "Be Dynamic"?

English skills and Business knowledge are keys to unlocking promotions. 

We teach you to "Be Dynamic". That means we teach you the English skills and other Business skills necessary to adapt to new situations, cope with the stress of the corporate world and achieve your goals. 


Q: Is the coaching program in person, over the phone, or online?
A: The coaching program is conducted online (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet ).


Q: What time of day can I study at? 
A: We will match you with a coach who is available at your best times of day.  We have coaches from around the world available almost 24/7.
You can choose: Early Morning (5am – 8am) ; Morning (9 am – 12pm) ; Afternoons (1pm – 5pm) ; Evenings (6pm to 9 pm) and Late Evenings (10 pm – 2am) 


Q: Do I meet the same coach every week? 
A: Yes. You have a coach who is more than just an English teacher. You learn Business English, causal English, practice presentations, role play business meetings, talk about problems at work and even interview skills to get a promotion. 


Q: Would it be okay if we had different session times each week? What if I go on a business trip and miss a whole week?
A: Yes, it is possible.   We have a rescheduling and cancellation policy to follow - It's a 24-hour notice policy. You must notify the coach 24 hours before class starts and then the class will not be counted.


Q: Is your program flexible? Can I change my meeting days and times? 
A: Yes. As long as your coach can still meet you at those days and times, you can change your regular meeting schedule. You can also adjust just for 1 week if you want to. Changing times is by mutual agreement with your coach. 


Q: Do my session credits expire? I lost credits with another program when my schedule was busy. 
A: Not for 6 months! We want our clients to learn with us, not lose their money. Session credits last for 6 months from date of purchase.


Q: Can you help with email writing, presentations (conference calls and speeches), proofreading and understanding business documents better?
A: Yes. We partner you with a coach who can help you according to your needs. If your availability changes or you need a coach who specialises in another area, then we will re-partner you. 


Q. Do you give receipts and certificates to confirm course registration and attendance? My company needs this information so I can claim support for training expenses.
A. Yes, we already prepare these documents for many existing clients and we can give you all the documents you will need to claim company support.


Q. I think the class may be at a high English level which will be too difficult for me. Do you adjust to suit my level and help with what I want to learn?  
A. Yes, your coach will tailor the content and teaching materials to your level of English and help improve your level over time.


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